Why You Should Trust Us!

Seeking care for your dog while on vacation, or need assistance with walks a few times a week? At Gudog, we aid in finding and booking a local dog sitter tailored to your needs.

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Input your postcode or street address to obtain a curated list of reliable, loving pet sitters in your area.

Trusted Sitters

All the Gudog Dog Sitters have been reviewed & approved by our Trust & Safety team.

Verified reviews

Reviews on sitter profiles originate from Gudog users who have successfully completed confirmed reservations via the Gudog website or app.

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Contact sitters

Contact sitters

Reach out to up to 10 dog sitters via the Gudog website or app to discover the perfect partner for you and your canine companion. Discuss booking details and your dog's unique characteristics like diet, behaviour, health conditions, and exercise regimen. We also suggest arranging a meet & greet to guarantee a harmonious match between your dog and their potential sitter.

Book the perfect sitter for you

Once you've found the ideal sitter for your dog, promptly send a booking request to secure your desired dates, as sitters' schedules tend to fill up rapidly.

Free cancellation

Every Gudog booking includes Free Cancellation, providing a full refund for cancellations made up to 3 days prior to a booking, ensuring flexibility and peace of mind.

Secure Payments

Every online transaction conducted via the Gudog website or app is secure. We safely hold your funds until the completion of a booking, before transferring it to the dog sitter, ensuring a seamless and trusted experience.

Book the perfect sitter for you


Whether you're traveling, require daycare, or simply need a dog walk, rest assured your pet is in secure hands! Expect regular photo updates and messages from your sitter, and enjoy peace of mind knowing every booking with Gudog is protected by our safety benefits.

Veterinary coverage

in the event of any emergency.

Support chat and email

Use our chat support or email us, and we will help you as soon as we can!